There is no question that medical professionals faced enormous pressure this past year. From determining the best types of PPE to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19, keeping family and loved ones safe while still helping patients receive the care they need — it is not a surprise that 2020 saw high reports of physician burnout.
Many are looking beyond the daily requirements and trying to figure out how to fit in their required continuing medical education credit needs as required by their medical board. In Texas, the medical board requires physicians to complete a minimum of 48 credits every 24 months. In the past, the board has required at least half of these credits be “formal, category I or IA courses.” It is likely that the board will accept remote attendance to meet this qualification. Even so, the expectation is high.
Those who are frustrated may find the following helpful.
#1: You are not alone.
Physicians throughout the country are in a similar position, and the AMA knows it. Afterall, there is a CME course on physician burnout.
#2: Follow your passion.
You entered medicine for a reason. Go back to your roots and find CMEs that feed this passion. You are more likely to enjoy the offering while also getting needed credit.
#3: Outsource.
You cannot have someone else take your credits on your behalf, but you could outsource other areas of your life. Consider utilizing a cleaning service, meal delivery service or additional babysitting to free up your schedule.
#4: Unplug.
Reduce the guilt you feel because you need to take time away from your family by being actively present with your family during the time you are together. Although you may not be able to completely shut down your phone, you could probably step away from email for an hour to focus on a family dinner time or game night. Focus on quality over quantity.