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Texas BON announces changes to NLC agreement

The Texas Board of Nursing (BON), a part of the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC) for almost 20 years, recently announced proposed changes to the NLC agreement. Participation in the NLC allows for nurses to have mobility across state boarders. This increases a patient’s access to care while also increasing the nurse’s ability to practice in their chosen profession.

What will change?

The changes, discussed in a recent publication available here, include eased access to federal criminal records before receiving licensure and a provision specifically designed to help nurses who serve as an active duty member or who have a spouse that serves in this capacity. The military duty provision states that nurses shall choose a home state that they must maintain their nursing license in good standing.

The group has also proposed a change to its dispute resolution process. Currently, the group generally requires nurses to notify the Commission and request mediation to help resolve a dispute. The new proposal states those who wish to address an issue must provide a statement that outlines the issue. This statement should include any applicable laws or rules that may have been violated during the dispute.

It is important to note that nurses who are fighting for their license have options. If asked to put together a statement, like discussed above, nurses can seek legal counsel to advocate for their interests on their behalf.

Are these changes official?

Not yet. The group is planning to meet and vote on the rules on August 11, 2020. We will provide updates on the result of the meeting when they become available.