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Have you been accused of unprofessional conduct as a nurse?

If you work as a nurse, you are likely already aware of the many hazards and possibilities for malpractice in your daily tasks. Even the most meticulous nurse can face accusal of unprofessional conduct, so if this is something you currently face, you should know you are not alone.

Facing accusations of unprofessional conduct is serious and can threaten your very livelihood. However, you should not despair or worry your career is over. With a strong and strategic plan for facing the accusations and a professional plan of defense, you can come through the accusations. A successful defense strategy can help you salvage your reputation and your career.

What is unprofessional conduct in nursing?

Unprofessional conduct is a rather generic term, but it has rather specific implications. Various regulating bodies define unprofessional conduct, including state boards of nursing and state professional regulators. For example, in the state of New York, the state’s Office of the Professions defines the behavior that falls under the categorization of “unprofessional conduct.” In the Rules of the Board of Regents, Part 29, unprofessional conduct can take several forms, including those particular to nursing that have to do with the administration of vaccinations and collaboration with a physician. The first thing you need to understand if you face accusations of unprofessional conduct is what you are being accused of and what specific regulations you are accused of violating.

How can you defend yourself against accusations?

It may feel overwhelming to face accusations of unprofessional conduct, and you may not know exactly where to start in terms of facing the problem. There are attorneys who work specifically with cases of nurse licensing, and this is likely where you will first want to turn to build a strategic defense. You need nursing license defense at all stages of the complaint process. An investigation will likely be part of this process. It is important your attorney demonstrates how the charges are either incorrect or unfounded. Mitigating factors may have come into play in terms of the accusations against you.

If you face accusations of unprofessional conduct as a nurse, you should not expect the accusations to go away on their own. You need to take a proactive approach to defend yourself so you can protect your nursing license and your professional career.