Allegations of wrongdoing can haunt the accused for the rest of his or her life. This is particularly true when the allegations involve government allegations of breaking the law. Is it possible to overcome these allegations and move on to live a successful and fulfilling life? In short, the answer is yes, but the road to success is a difficult one. A recent political battle provides an example.
Politics provide a valuable lesson: The political landscape right now is harsh. Regardless of one’s political leanings, it is safe to say that anyone getting into politics will face serious criticism and will have their past thoroughly reviewed and shared with the public.
What happens when that past includes a settlement or conviction for Medicare fraud? That was the question faced by a gubernatorial candidate in Florida. The candidate had paid the government a fine in connection to allegations of Medicare fraud but was interested in pursuing a political career. Could he, or would this past come back and poison his chances at a future in politics?
He decided to take the risk and run for office. His campaign team poll-tested and discussed strategies with focus groups. Ultimately, they decided the fact that he took responsibility and paid the fine for the error would work in his favor.
The strategy proved successful. The candidate ran in 2010 and won two statewide elections. He also won his recent battle for a spot in the Senate.
Application for others facing similar accusations: It is important to note that “taking responsibility” will mean different things in different cases. In some it could mean structuring a settlement to best ensure the business can move on as was done by the gubernatorial candidate above. In others, it will mean fighting the government over false allegations of wrongdoing.
Determining the best, responsible action for each case will require a careful review of the facts and evidence surrounding the allegations. An attorney experienced in these matters can review this information and help you decide the best course of action.